Thursday, May 23, 2013

The Art of managing your Boss

Managing relationships in the corporate world is a tedious job, more so if it is about maintaining an amicable relationship with your boss. Relationship management among employees and between employer and employee is gaining lot of importance lately. According to a recent report by relationship management has been ranked as one of the key skills that a candidate needs to possess to be successful at a job.

Managing the manager
The relationship that one creates and manages with his/her boss is critical to workplace success and career progress. They hold your future prospects in their hands. They are privy to the company’s goals and knows what the company is looking for in future executives. They can inform you of the company’s direction that may affect your future aspirations and can also put in a good word for you when need be. Vaidyanathan, HR-Head, Alten Calsoft Labs agrees, “Whatever good work one does, has to be projected to the outside world – be it the client or the colleagues or the management. Employee’s good working relationship with the manager/boss helps in getting recognition at work and also ensures a peaceful work life.”
The key to establishing a meaningful working relationship with your boss is communication. Learn and understand his/her goals and priorities. At the same time, ask for feedback and accept criticism gracefully.

From manager to mentor
A boss is your ally and your guide. Learn from your boss, he/she has much to teach you. So, ask questions to learn and listen more than you speak to develop an effective relationship with your boss. When a boss takes up the role of a mentor, the equation between him/her and his/her employees, changes automatically. Vaidyanathan suggests that to become a good mentor, every boss/manager should empower their team members. “Managers can become good mentors by passing the success-credit to the executor and giving the confidence to the team members that they always look up to their managers when they come across any problems in their work.” He advised that if an employee fails in the task assigned, protect and teach him the right way to execute the job instead of defaming him.

We agree to disagree
Overall in your relationship with your boss you will sometimes disagree and occasionally experience an emotional reaction. Don’t hold grudges. Disagreement is fine; discord is not. One needs to come to terms with the fact that your boss has more authority and power than you do. And then perhaps you could mould yourself to work better and achieve success in your organisation.

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